Monday 27 February 2017


Injury can be a shock to the system. 

Having belief in yourself will over-ride any pain and discomfort you may be experiencing on the road to triumph over your injury. 

The physical pain and discomfort can and will be mastered yet it is the belief in yourself, that will keep pushing you forward - no matter if it is a good day in the gym or bad day at the gym - it all counts. 

Too much exercise, too soon after your injury could lead to further injury, no matter the age. When planning a fitness regime with injury, always seek medical advice to make sure what you are doing for your fitness and health is right for you. 

Looking after your wellbeing, while mastering an injury is equally important as your physical health. Being in tune with your emotions, along with partaking in a number of social activities can boost our well-being, reduce stress levels and raise our confidence. If we are stronger on the inside, then such positivity helps our physical side become stronger.

The space between, physiotherapy and gym sessions can feel like empty void and recovery can feel like a long and arduous process. However filling the gap between training and recovery can offer an opportunity to pursue your interests either past or new ones. 

My top four motivations to keep moving and believing in yourself, while on the journey from injury to triumph: 

1. GET CREATING - starting creating your life, you may feel dishearted that you have to wait until you are healed with injury, or your pace of life needs to slow down until your discomfort is mastered, this is perfect opportunity to get create and figure out how you are going to mastering your training sessions. For instance, create a visual timetable and organise your days for fitness, food preparation and rest with fun. If you have a fitness plan you will know where you are going and will help you stay focused and motivated.  

2. BE SOCIAL - Get out there, no matter the difficulty you may have, push yourself and get out there. See your family and friends, even if it is only for a short while. Enjoy your time out and create and plan new activities to do together for the future catch ups. Contact the Reinvention and we will direct you and support you to get your social on with others. Socialising with other will boost your confidence and allow you to see there is nothing you can do an injury - nothing! 

3. MOVING FORWARD - The feeling of moving forward can be in various forms, through the daily activity of exercise. Even a small step forward to a large stretch of physical exercise will help the feeling that you are moving forward. Along with, planning for your future - what would you like to do either a holiday, to a music concert or even training for new skill. There are endless opportunities to moving forward in life with an injury. If i can do it - I know you can too!

4. BE KIND TO YOURSELF -  This is my biggest lesson, that I am in training for all day and every day. I frequently get angry at my body for not moving faster, more stronger and not flexible enough. And most times my lovely fiance' reminds me of how far I have come in my own recovery, then I realise being hard on myself, and not speaking gently to myself is only making my recovery that much harder. Now I train myself to be proud of my injuries and realise how amazing the body is for overcoming the injuries it has had to endure to this date. 

To be kind to yourself is the biggest source of strength you will gain on the road to triumph over injury, when we starting believing in ourself's then you will become instantly stronger - you will you will triumph over injury!  

Love Angela x 



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