Thursday 1 December 2016



I have begun my journey of spreading The Reinvention word around various Ayrshire hospitals and soon received a call on behalf a young person who had been involved serious road traffic collision, suffering serious injuries to his legs. 

My contact at the hospital had shared my story with the young person and he was happy for them to contact me so he could chat to someone undertaking a similar experience as them. 

To hear from the local orthopaedic nurse that The Reinvention could potentially help a young person overcome a serious accident is amazing, exactly why I have started this charity.

As I drove to the local hospital that day I began to put myself in their shoes and remembered how I felt when I awoke in a hospital bed and realised that I had been in a serious accident. It is a life changing moment, when you realise you are there having suffered life-changing injuries from a road traffic collision. The feeling of helplessness and sadness can be overwhelming and scary.

However, in those moments of darkness there is still always some light and when my older brother, James, told me I had been in a serious accident but “I will walk again” this gave me strength to begin the fight.

To this day, these words have not left me and still help encourage me to fight in moments when I feel worried or scared.

I went to the hospital hoping to share such affirmations to this young person.

As I arrived at the hospital door, I felt so nervous. 

Nervous not to say the wrong thing. 

Nervous not to say too much or too little. 
Yet, my heart I knew I had to just be myself and share my story of my injury to triumph and listen to his story too and answer any questions he may have. 

After all my nervousness - the visit was amazing. 

We shared our stories and the worry of what may lie ahead for the future as well as what is next with living a life with an injury. 

So many questions and yet so many possibilities.

The best piece advice that could share from my own personal experience is that physiotherapy and gym training is king. 

No matter the vision you have for your future with injury, your recovery programme is key to your success. 

It is the one thing that will get you back to your fitness, and when taking the advice correctly it could even help take your strength to a whole another level than before.

That is the physical side but for the mental aspects of recovery, having someone else to talk to who has been in the same position as yourself is critical. 

Just one person, or even a team, who can understand what you are going through to share and discuss ideas on the road of recovery can turn any anxiousness into real hope and determination.

I was truly inspired to meet our new member of The Reinvention, his courage and unwavering spirit to overcome this situation was so inspirational and will be such an asset for him going forward.

The reason for our injuries may differ but the process of the physical and emotional journey are just the same. Sharing that experience; the knowledge, tips and help, can truly go a long way. 

My meeting at the hospital today reinforces the reason why I wanted to create The Reinvention - to inspire, support and help all those who need help to move forward with injury. 

No matter how big or small the journey that lies ahead. You are not alone. 

You will triumph over injury and The Reinvention community is here to help every step of the way.

Love Angela x


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