Tuesday 17 October 2017



I am pleased to say that The Reinvention journey took another fulfilling turn when I was asked to be part of a wonderful campaign being established by Police Scotland.


The new Driver Early Intervention Scheme has the support of the Motor Schools Association of Great Britain and the Scottish Fire and Rescue Service. 

The new driver scheme aims to change inexperienced motorists' perceptions of road safety and is delivered through a very highly powerful presentation.

Along with this, young motorists and learner drivers will be made aware through associated driving instructors that sessions are currently free and will be provided as a benefit on their learning journey as drivers.  
New Driver Early Intervention Scheme Presentation

Through the highly powerful information and video footage, I had been invited along to share my story of being involved in a road traffic collision, when a driver decided to knock me down with his van at 70mph in a 30mph zone. The driver drove away and sadly left me at the side of the road with no help or support bleeding and left with life-altering injuries. 
This opportunity to talk is a way to offer a first-person insight into how one's life can be changed to senseless and dangerous driving.
Constable Craig Beaver, National Coordinator for the New Driver Scheme, has given me guidance and, in turn, brought on my confidence to share my story to new early drivers. 
It has taken me over 10 years to find the courage to share own personal story of what happened that night of being involved in a hit and run incident. With my words of encouragement from Constable Beaver, I felt a little stronger to step onto the stage and share my story. I felt so scared to share but deep in my heart I knew the reason why I was doing this - I do not want any another individual or family to go through what I have been through and still sadly to this day it happens. 
It was pleasing to receive such a positive response from the audience after I had shared my experience and at the end of the presentation our audience that day were keen to ask questions and be even more engaged for their own safety and for others on the roads.

The Reinvention Founder - Angela McShane

Those present agreed that such testimony, along with a powerful presentation of the information and message forwarded by Police Scotland, has the power to help improve the mindsets of many young drivers today.

I look forward to the campaign's voice being heard loud and clear through community hubs across Scotland in the coming months. 

For more information on the campaign and sign up, places are limited, send an email to newdriverscheme@scotland.pnn.police.uk 

Love Angela x 


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