Thursday 17 November 2016



Put simply, it is a charity that will offer the support, guidance, and strength needed for those coming to terms with injury. 

During the early stages of recovery I had one thing on my mind - escape. 

Escape the 24-7 life of lying in that, small colourless hospital room. Escape the feelings of frustration, anger, upset and confusion. Escape that isolation. Escape from the sadness and pain. 

I had so many questions racing through my mind - what is expected of me? How do I cope with this? How do I return to normal living? And what lies ahead of me? 

All these questions, all that uncertainty, knocked my confidence but I soon found the solutions began with physiotherapy. 

And so the sessions commenced. Daily work on the bars, willing my body to move just a minuscule and each day inching forward that little bit more. 

Did I often feel defeated? Yes, I did.
Did I often weep at the frustration, that my body was not healing fast enough? Yes, I did. 
Did I keep getting back up overtime when I stumbled or fell? Yes, I did. 

I just knew deep in my heart there was an amazing life out there beyond the hospital walls and I was determined I would keep on fighting and get out. 

However, those feelings of hurt, frustration and sadness while on the journey of recovery are the reasons why I have set up the The Reinvention. I do not want anyone who is going through this journey of recovery to feel you are alone. I know from personal experience that you will feel a mixture of emotions while on journey to recovery. Yet having someone close by who understands your journey can make the path to recovery so much more easier. 

The Reinvention is here to offer support, guidance and inspiration needed for those coming to terms with injury. Either for the individual who has the injury, to offering supporting and guidance for their family members and friends during a time of uncertainty for all. 

The biggest lesson I have learned while on my own journey of recovery and living with injuries - there is nothing in life I cannot do that I couldn't before. I may have to plan ahead or do master things a little differently yet you can overcome anything. Go at your pace. Master your own injuries with training at the gym. Do let anyone or any injury hold you back to living and experiencing the life you want. 

The Reinvention is here to offer support, guidance and strength needed for those coming to terms with injury.

This blog, and all other information and advice I will share via social media in the coming months, will be your handbook to triumph over injury.

Love Angela x


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